lunes, 12 de enero de 2015

Huayruro ! what does it mean?

Today one of my guides from the jungle of Peru gave a nice key chain of this seed, and i was wondering if this has a tradition or special meaning...

It removes the sadness and attracts the luck. Two magic powers that the ancient Peruvians were attributing to the seed of the huayruro, proper of the tropical forest of Peru. Bright Red-colored (seed female) or red and black (seed male), people keeps on believing that it removes the negative energy and the bad spirits. Because this, the seed is used in necklaces and personal pledges to attract the good fortune.
Also the huayruro is used in ancestral Andean rites practised up to the actuality, as in the gifts to the Apus, spirits of the forefathers who live inside the mountains. 

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