miércoles, 21 de enero de 2015


This is probably the best place you´ll find in lima to eat a Lassagna!
Barletto is located in Plaza San Miguel shopping center just in corner where everybody can see it, but not so many ask for its lassagnas.

If you are staying in a hotel near Pueblo Libre, San Miguel , San Isidro you can take a taxi cab for less than 15 soles ( USD.5.00 Aprox) for the ride to this shopping center, once there walk around and you will see it.

Its Menu has a great variety of pastas and local food, but after trying almost all its food, the lassagna its definitely your best choise!!!

Veggie lassagna S/.18.00 Soles

Maracuja juice S/.4.00 Soles

Tres leches ( 3 milks) dessert S/.9.00 Soles

Traditional lassagna ( with meat ) S/.18.00

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