domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2014


In recent years, Peru’s cuisine has earned acknowledgement as one of the world’s finest. 
But while quinoa and pisco sour cocktails have migrated to become favorites around the world, the best Peruvian specialties are still found in their home country. Here one of  my favourites plates from Perú.
This staple meat raised in many households of the Andes goes by a different name in the United States: guinea pig. (One indication of how important the dish is to the rural Peruvian diet: In a cathedral in Cusco hangs a replica of Da Vinci’s Last Supper, in which Christ and the 12 disciples are seated around a platter of cuy.) The meat, which is quite bony, is usually baked or barbecued on a spit and served whole often with the head on. It has a pleasant, gamy taste like that of rabbit or wild fowl.
It is usually served with native potatoes and rice on a side, a plate of "Cuy" varies from S/.40.00 to S/.60.00 soles an entire cuy and can be found in Lima as in the higlands of Peru as Cusco and Puno.
If you are planning to stay one night in front of the Lima Airport you can stay at Mundo Albergue hostel, if you request with anticipation you can try this plate and see how is prepared. 
For more information you can visit this web page:
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