lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014


I know i know... many of you may say that cebiche is not only peruvian and can be found in other countries... let see..
Cebiche (pronounced "se vee-chay") is a Latin American recipe for raw fish and seafood marinated in citrus juice, mainly lime and lemon juice. 
Other ingredients in cebiche typically include tomatoes, onions, chiles and cilantro.

There's no single recipe for ceviche, and many different fish and shellfish can be used in preparing it. Snapper, sea bass, halibut,and tilapia are popular fish for making ceviche. Other seafood components can include shrimp, scallops, squid and octopus.

Cecilia and Carlos go to the market to get fresh fish to make cebiche

Here is a short video of 2 minutes where you will see how they get the best ingredients to prepare a delicious Peruvian cebiche.

How does citrus “cook” raw things, like fish in ceviche?
Technically speaking, cooking requires heat, so ceviche (also known as seviche or cebiche), a dish in which raw fish is marinated in citrus juice, isn’t cooked. But it’s not exactly raw, either. Both heat and citric acid are agents of a chemical process called denaturation. In this process, the heat or citric acid changes the proteins in the fish, unraveling the molecules and altering their chemical and physical properties. When fish is bathed in citrus juices, this process of denaturation turns the flesh firm and opaque, as if it had been cooked with heat.
Either raw or cooked important thing is the great taste that this dish has to offer and its great acceptance in Peru and worldwide.
So ... what are you waiting for! Come to Peru and enjoy a plate of cebiche!

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