miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

DETOURS elects Peru as 2015 travel destination

The LGBT travel operator won’t allow cultural challenges to keep them from the Andean experience.
DETOURS elects Peru as 2015 travel destination
Peru may have a reputation for holding on to tradition and conservative beliefs, but no one can deny the attractive diversity the nation’s landscapes hold.
Detours Travel, a tour operator that targets to member of theLGBT community, has recently announced that Peru will become the fourth international destination offered by the company. Known for having laid-back, less structured approach, Detours will begin to offer travels to the Andean nation in June 2015.
“Peru is one of those must-visit destinations in life – and for good reason,” said Detours’ co-founder Miles Mitchinson. “We’re excited to start sharing this incredible country with our groups!”
With an emphasis on adventure and fun, travel groups will visit typical (yet ever popular) tourist sites such as Machu Picchu, having the option to take eight or 12-day itineraries. A diverse range of landscapes will be included as well, such as the desert of Huacachina, the coastline of Paracas, and even the “majestic Andes mountain range” (PRWeb).
Speaking to Gay Star News about leading a trip in a country “known for its Catholic-informed conservative values and often gay-unfriendly views,” Mitchinson could not be deterred, replying: ”First-time Peru travelers may find the new language, different culture, and endless options overwhelming so we’re there to ensure smooth and positive interactions with the best of the country.”
Detours Travel currently offers international trips to Costa Rica, Greece, and Thailand. The company is organizing a New Years Eve celebration in Bangkok.

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