jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014

La Noche de los Museos: Eighth edition

Next Friday, December 12, Lima will end its two-week role of playing host to the much talked about conference of global climate change, COP20. Riding high on the wave of cultural momentum, the Lima’s Ministry of Culture is offering a relaxing and enriching night out on the town for all ages.
Over 40 cultural spaces around Lima will open their doors to the public Dec. 12 to partake in what is the eighth edition of La Noche de los Museos. Museums and galleries will extend their hours into the evening for this special event, with most remaining open until 10 p.m.
More than half of the cultural centers will allow for entrance free of charge, including central Lima’s Archaeology Museum, Barranco’sMuseum of Contemporary Art (MAC), the Ricardo Palma Cultural Center in Miraflores, as well as the Natural History museums in both Jesús María and Santiago de Surco.
Visitors to Barranco’s MAC can view “Hawapi 2014, Pariacaca,” a collective exhibit that comments upon global climate change. There will also be a performance to coincide with COP20, “Lágrimas de altura”.
Keeping up with the theme of environmental concerns, the Germán Krüger Espantoso Gallery in Miraflores is currently home to the photography exposition “A World to Protect,” which focuses specifically on the beauty and fragile state of oceans.
Enthusiasts of surrealism (and perhaps those interested in forgetting about the world’s dire environment situation) should take advantage of free entrance to the Inca Garcilaso Cultural Center (outskirts of Lima) to catch the “DALI: The Divine Comedy” exhibit.

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